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Welcome to the Stretch-n-Grow online shop!

Summer Camp

at Home

Who is the BEST Camp Director?  YOU!

Who will experience the BEST Camp EVER?  YOUR KIDS!

Do you have to create anything?  NO WAY

Is it affordable? YEAH, BUDDY!

Your Weekly Summer Camp at Home Bag Includes:
  • 3 Adventure Guides (see below)
  • Craft Supplies
  • One Piece of Fitness Equipment
  • Virtual Visits from Us!
You can purchase one bag of your choice or all four,
which gives you 12 daily adventures!
Each Bag - $30 per week
($10 for each additional sibling, $50 max per family/week)
Copy of Summer Fun (1).png
Click on each picture to access your videos and directions for each activity!
You will receive 3 Adventure Guides per Bag!
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